Tourist and Travel Information

Tourist information on the city of Firenze can be found in many web sites. A useful web address for a general overview of the city, including maps, a brief history and a short description of museums and historical places in Firenze and in the surrounding region, is Other useful information on cultural and artistic events in the town can be found at the address

An interactive map of the city, which allows the user to locate a specific address, can be found at (page in Italian language only). Please, remember that the Conference hall is located in Piazza della Stazione, n. 6, just in front of the Firenze Santa Maria Novella railway station.

Weather in June is generally mild. Information on weather forecast for the city of Firenze can be found, for instance, at the Yahoo or WeatherUnderground sites. The web page reports detailed short-term forecasts by a local weather office.

Firenze can be easily reached by plane or train. The Florence International Airport (airport code FLR) is located a few kilometers from the city center (city bus connections available). Information on city bus lines can be found at
As an alternative route, consider also landing at the Pisa International Airport (airport code PSA), located approximately 80 km from Firenze (frequent bus and train connections available).
A useful link for planning plane travels all around the world is

A searchable timetable for train connections within most European countries can be found at or in the web page of the Italian railways company, http://

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